Frequently Asked Questions and answers

Do I need a doctor’s referral?
You do not need a doctor’s referral to attend our clinic for any of our services. However if you are submitting your invoices to your insurance company they may require that you have a doctor’s prescription for services such as Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy. This prescription however can be obtained after your first visit to our clinic. Depending on the insurance plan, a prescription may be needed for custom orthotics.

Do I have to pay for services up front?
If you are in a motor vehicle accident, no payment is due as the insurance company pays for all treatment provided. Each visit must be paid for on the day that the service is provided. To be reimbursed by your insurance company, you must first pay for the visit and then submit your paid invoice along with any other form your insurance company requires.

Can you bill my insurance company directly?
Green Shield is the only extended health care company that we can bill directly. Patients with Green Shield are only required to pay their co-pay and or deductable up front. We will submit the balance to Green Shield electronically.

Does OHIP cover any of your services?
No, Accelerated Health & Wellness Centre is not an OHIP clinic. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care only provides coverage for people under 19 and over 65 years of age, and these services can only be provided at one of the few designated OHIP-funded facilities.

I was referred to another practitioner or clinic for treatment. Can I come to your facility instead?
Yes, no matter where your doctor refers you are able to choose any facility you like. It is important to choose a clinic that provides care by practitioners who are licence and registered in their profession (ie: College of Physiotherapists of Ontario).

What steps do I take to receive treatment after being in a car accident?
It is important to make a report and a claim with your auto insurance company. They will give you a claim number and the name of an adjustor at their company who will be handling your claim. Then you are able to come to our clinic for an assessment and treatment and we will take care of the rest. All your treatment will be covered at no cost to you.

If I have been in a motor vehicle accident do I have to pay for treatment?
No, our practitioners will create a treatment plan specific to you and your injuries. Once treatment is approved you are not required to pay for any services included on the treatment plan. The insurance company is billed directly.

Do you accept patients with workplace injuries? (WSIB)
Yes we treat many patients with workplace injuries. Once you report the incident to your employer and file a report with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board we will provide quality treatment to get you back to work as quickly as possible. Payment for treatment is taken care of by WSIB so there is no out of pocket expense for you.

Why should I have a PDA done at my place of business?
A PDA can do the following for your business/company:

  • Used in preparation for an employees return to work after a workplace injury
  • To assess a jobs demands to provide a clear and concise plan of action in order to  minimize the employees risk of injury and/or increase productivity
  • Provide clear return to work goals
  • Screen potential employees for risks
  • Allow a smooth and safe transition back to work.
  • Provide a safe work environment and reduce injury costs
  • Can be used to perform job matches within your company

What is done by the clinician during a PDA?

One of our trained clinicians will first speak with the employee to get a feel for and a better understanding of their job and specifically what it physically entails. We will then enter the worksite, with your approval, and assess the work station/area(s) as well as evaluate someone while they are completing the required job tasks. The worksite assessment will require us to take measurements and sketches and with your permission pictures of the work station and/or surrounding environment. A detailed report will be provided to you on completion of the work place assessment within 5 business days.

What types of work settings can benefit from a PDA assessment?

  • Office and administrative positions
  • General labourers (ie: mechanics, construction workers)
  • Line/factory workers
  • Medical/Healthcare professionals
  • Sales representatives

The bottom line is that all work settings and job positions within these settings can benefit from a PDA assessment.

What is required of me as an employer if I have a PDA competed?
All we ask is for a small amount of your time and your employee’s time during the assessment. Depending on the type of work setting and the job being assessed; the assessment can last anywhere from an hour up to 3 hours depending on the complexity of the job. Once our assessment is complete, with your permission we will make suggestions to improve the work environment and/or put together a return to work plan for a specific employee. There is no requirement that all changes we suggest be made by the employer. IF you request an ergonomic assessment we are qualified to perform these also. We simply provide you with the information and it is up to you whether you choose to make changes. Our office will keep a copy as will your company for records to be used for future post offer job screening or Functional abilities evaluations.

 How long is a PDA good for?

Once a PDA is completed on a specific job it can be kept on file by the employer for a few years. A PDA would only need to be re-done upon the employer’s request if there were any changes to the job position in order to ensure the accuracy of the specific PDA.