Our Work Speaks for Itself

Client Testimonials

As a Professional and Major lacrosse player, I am constantly playing and training all season long with minimal rest. A few years ago I developed plantar fasciitis, and I was unable to even walk without pain. Last year while I was playing with the Orlando Titans, teammate Dr.Pat Maddalena provided me with a pair of custom orthotics. Within a month I was able to run pain free. I still continue to wear the same pair of orthotics during games and throughout everyday activities.

Mat MacLeod, Toronto Rock Lacrosse Player

After six low intensity laser treatments, I have been given back my quality of life. I am once again able to walk, bend and crouch. Before the treatments I was not able to untie my shoes, unleash my dog or sometimes even get out of my favourite lazyboy without pain. After six years of pain I am now pain-free and enjoying my life again.

Suzanne Wurzer, Chronic Ligament Strain

After having knee surgery, and not being able to walk up and down the stairs in my home, I seriously thought of selling my home and moving into a bungalow. I was then treated with the low intensity laser and the results were nothing but astounding. I can now say that I have my mobility and my home back.

Ann Marcante, Arthritic Knees

After 31 years with the Toronto Police Service, I was looking forward to my retirement years. But years of lifting weights caused severe shoulder injuries. Thanks to your laser therapy, you finally made me almost pain-free with a full range of motion in my shoulders. Not only do I thank you, but so does my wife - she can finally get some sleep without my moaning in pain.

David Brown, Shoulder Injury

After 18 years of suffering I have found something that has brought significant relief. Low Level Laser Therapy

Diane Bisson, Chronic Pain

As a hockey goalie I have had groin problems for the past 5 seasons. This year I had a laser treatment at the start of training camp and then one afterwards. I never had groin problems during the entire season and even discontinued icing after every time I was on the ice and stopped wearing my groin wrap.

Matt Mateja, Groin Injury

A week prior to the first game of the Niagara Spears 2008 season, I badly sprained my throwing elbow. As severe as I thought my injury was, I was able to bounce back and not miss a single game. Thanks to Dr. Maddalena's fast and effective treatments I was able to stay in top form and not have to worry about pain rather than staying on top of my game. Plus I was getting tips from a Pro athlete! Thank you Dr. Maddalena for everything you've done for me!

Nick Coutu starting quarterback Niagara Spears Football team

I would recommend the services of Dr. Maddalena and his clinic to both aspiring and ancient athletes, as he is an athlete himself and clearly understands his patients. His services would also be applicable to anyone wanting to remain active and enjoy a healthy life.

Guy Graveline, Broken Leg

On December 22nd, 2007 I was in a serious car accident. As a result I sustained injuries of the nerve lesion to the neck and lower back as well as whiplash disorder III. Since January 2008, through laser, exercise and not missing any appointments these past few months I have shown a 40% improvement so far. I would like to say THANK YOU for all the support and encouragement and also to Courtney who brings a smile and a relaxed atmosphere to the centre

Carol Gates, Car Accident

He discussed with me the future treatment for my herniated cervical disc, my shoulder and the nerve pain that radiated down my arm into my middle finger and promised me that he would do everything he could to bring me back to optimum health. Dr. Maddalena, Courtney and Corinna have taught me how to take care of my mental and emotional health in such a way that I go home at the end of my treatments with a positive feeling.

Debbie Eccles, Car Accident

I never thought chiropractic treatment would help my back but he’s been adjusting my back as well as my neck (I have arthritis in my neck), and I can say with all honesty I’ve never felt so good.

Karen Shaw, Chiropractic Treatment

I have suffered with chronic lower back problems for about eight years or so. This is not my first time receiving successful Low Intensity Laser Treatments. The difference between this time and the last is that Dr. Maddalena and Courtney have educated me and have shown me through an exercise program how to maintain a healthier back. In combination with the exercise, Dr. Maddalena has been treating me using deep tissue work. When I first came to the Accelerated Health and Wellness Clinic back in July 2008, I was unable to work because I couldn’t sit at my desk without severe pain. Now I am back to normal function at work and I am able to enjoy life more fully

Monique Hines, Deteriorating Disc and Osteoarthritis

The first adjustment that I had at the clinic made a difference immediately and I have been coming to the clinic for about 10 months now. I cannot say enough about the relief that I have had. Dr. Maddalena was very quick to realize what my problem was and knew exactly how to correct it.

Tracey Gould, Headaches